We work broadly in all areas in Cryptography: applied as well as foundational. This includes topics such as zero-knowledge proofs, secure multi-party computation, blockchains and cryptocurrencies, game theory, verifiable computation, program obfuscation, computing on encrypted data, differential privacy, non-malleable cryptography, leakage-resilient cryptography, and anonymous communication. Please check the individual webpages for publications and projects.

We run a regular crypto seminar (in person and over Zoom). You can find the link here.


Giulia Fanti

Aayush Jain

Bryan Parno

Riad Wahby

Steven Wu

Wenting Zheng

Affiliated Faculty

Vipul Goyal

Pravesh kothari

Ryan O'Donnell

Weina Wang

Manuel Blum (Emeritus)

Postdocs and Visitors 

Ashrujit Ghoshal

Elisa Masserova


Alper Çakan

Hao Chung

Quang Dao

Terrance Liu

Andrew Park 

Justin Raizes

Sagnik Saha

Junxi Song

Weizhao Tang

Afonso Tinoco

Nikhil Vanjani

Mingxun Zhou


To update the information on this website, please contact Hao Chung (haochung [at]